Global Trade Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") complies with laws and other norms regarding the protection of personal information.
Personal information collected by our company refers to information that can identify a specific individual, such as an individual's name, date of birth, and address (including information that can easily identify a specific individual by matching with other information). increase.

Collection of personal information

We may collect personal information in the following cases.

  1. When the purchase is completed
  2. Product order
  3. inquiry
  4. Application for document request
  5. Responses to questionnaire surveys
  6. Application for applications such as gift campaigns
  7. Applying for jobs, volunteers, part-time jobs, etc.

Purpose of use of personal information

We will use the personal information we receive from our customers to the extent necessary for the following purposes.

  1. Management of members and users
  2. Sales of products, rights, digital content and services (hereinafter referred to as "products, etc.", including financial products, etc.) of our company and third parties (including conclusion of service provision contracts, etc.)
  3. Campaign/prize planning, implementation of questionnaires
  4. Simplification of work such as membership registration when using services that require membership registration at our company and group companies
  5. Notification of matters necessary for the operation of this website (including by e-mail)
  6. Advertisement, publicity, sales solicitation of products of our company and third parties (including by e-mail)
  7. Sending e-mail newsletters
  8. Packing and shipping of products, etc.
  9. Billing calculation, billing
  10. Provision of services such as points, coupons, mileage (hereinafter referred to as "points, etc.")
  11. Posting information posted by members and users
  12. Various inquiries and after-sales service
  13. Research and analysis of marketing data, development of new services
  14. Creation of statistical materials to be provided to group companies and business partners
  15. When the handling of personal information is entrusted by another business operator, etc., the performance of the entrusted work
  16. Exercise of rights and fulfillment of obligations based on contracts, laws, etc.
  17. employment
  18. Consideration of business alliance

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

In principle, the personal data of customers acquired by us will not be disclosed to any third party, except in the following cases.

  1. When there is a customer's agreement after specifying the disclosure destination and disclosure information content
  2. When payment is required for product purchase
  3. When requesting a product delivery company to deliver the product
  4. When we receive a formal request based on law from a public institution such as a court or the police

Management and protection of personal information

We will properly manage the personal information of our customers and strive to prevent loss, destruction, falsification, unauthorized access, leakage, etc.

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Disclosure, Correction, and Deletion of Personal Information

We strive to keep personal information as accurate and up-to-date as possible.
In addition, regarding the disclosure and deletion of personal information, please contact the following inquiry window yourself.
In order to prevent leakage of personal information to third parties, we will respond only when we can confirm that the request was made by the customer himself/herself.

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Revision of personal information protection policy

We will review and revise our privacy policy (personal information protection policy) as appropriate.
We will promptly post the revised privacy policy on our website.

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Information desk

For inquiries regarding our privacy policy, please contact the person in charge below.

Company name
Global Trade Co.,Ltd.
2F, Somerset Shinagawa Tokyo, 4-24-58 Takanawa, Minato City, Tokyo 108-0074